🔸 Centos 6 VPS Setup (VIDEO)
🔸 Centos 7 VPS Setup (VIDEO)
🔸 Virutal Machine Setup (VIDEO)
🔸 Disable Windows Defender (VIDEO)
🔸 Domain Setup
🔸 Betabot Botnet Setup (VIDEO)
🔸 Zyklon 1.3 Botnet Setup (keylogger) (VIDEO)
🔸 Azorult 3.1 Botnet Setup (stealer) (VIDEO)
🔸 WorldWind Setup And Tutorial (stealer) (VIDEO)
🔸 RAT Setup (DNS and Tool )
🔸 Crypting (Common settings explained and tips)
🔸 Downloaders (droppers) ( .exe .bat .cmd ) – Coding Tutorials
🔸 Paid botnets for sale and where to purchase
🔸 Silent Exploits
🔸 Maco Exploits
🔸 Spreading Methods
🔸 Geo Target Torrent Spreading
🔸 Google Ads Word Spreading
🔸 Facebook Ads Spreading
🔸 Warez Spreading
🔸 Gamer Spreading ( With Source Code To Spreading Addon )
🔸 Targeted Email Spreading
🔸 Spreading
🔸 Craigs List Spreading
🔸 My Own Private Methods
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